Lake Decatur’s water comes from a watershed (or drainage area) that is 925 square miles in size and includes parts of 7 counties in east central Illinois.  In order to preserve the recently completed $92 million Lake Decatur dredging project investment and improve the lake’s water quality, in February 2020, the Decatur City Council authorized that a comprehensive long term watershed management plan be created.  Northwater Consulting of Springfield, Illinois was selected to complete the plan.  Documents posted here provide more information about the plan.

April 2023 Lake and Watershed Management Update Podcast

2022 Lake Decatur Watershed Management Plan Phase IV – Scope of Services and Budget with Northwater Consulting added 1/20/2023

2022 $9.88M USDA RCPP Grant Award

Farmer Led Lake Decatur Advisory Watershed Board

Illinois Crop Cover Initiative

Lake Decatur Watershed Monitoring Summary – Year 1 (2021) added 2/1/2022

2021 Lake Decatur Watershed Management Plan & Initiative Long Term Strategy  added 5/11/2021

Watershed Plans:

Bluffs Watershed Plan

Sand Creek Watershed Plan

Willow Branch Watershed Plan

Wildcat Watershed Plan

Friends Creek Watershed Plan