Generous cost-share payments! Free hands-on technical design! Assistance with USDA paperwork! Product and Service Discounts!


The City of Decatur is the recipient of a $9.8-million-dollar U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) grant focused on improving water quality in key areas across the Lake Decatur watershed. The 5-year program provides substantial cost-share and technical assistance to landowners and growers for certain practices aimed at reducing sediment and nutrient losses to the lake.

The City of Decatur wants to protect our recent $92-million-dollar dredging effort that reclaimed 30% of the lake’s volume and significantly improved the City’s drinking water supply.

Based on recent sediment monitoring and dredging costs, it is estimated that up to $1.2 million worth of sediment enters the lake annually. Periodic spikes in lake nitrogen concentrations also cost the City and rate payer $200,000 each year to treat. The RCPP aims to address these challenges.

opens in a new window2024 Lake Decatur Water Quality Initiative RCPP Fact Sheetopens PDF file

opens in a new windowLake Decatur Watershed Maps


If you would like more information on the program and have a RCPP representative contact you, please fill out the following form:

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