More than $4.2 million in City Street Repairs Set to Begin (See Story For Project Map)

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Decatur City Council members voted unanimously on Monday, April 17 to fund an agreement with Dunn Company for more than $2.2 million to provide asphalt street reconstruction on streets that have deteriorated over time due to age, freeze-thaw cycles, and traffic loads while a similar agreement with Otto Baum Company for $1.3 million will provide some street reconstruction and other work along the streets paved as part of the aforementioned project with Dunn Co.  An additional $710,000 was authorized to carry out mill and overlay street work to be paid for with state funds. The street work for the most part is to be prioritized based on roadways in the worst condition throughout the community, with much of the work being done on local neighborhood streets. Due to financial constraints, the city did not have an active local road improvement program until last year with much of the work done having to be funded as part of the State of Illinois’ program and on the state’s timetable. A map showing the streets to be reconstructed can be seen by clicking the link above.