Owner-Occupied Rehab Contractor’s Manual

Owner-Occupied Rehab Program Information

Contractor Application Form



Owner-Occupied Home Rehabilitation Program

The City of Decatur is inviting contractors to apply for home rehabilitation projects as part of a multi-million-dollar neighborhood revitalization initiative. More than $6 million in ARPA funding has been allocated for home rehabilitation by the Decatur City Council. Over the next two years, the City hopes to rehab 150-300 homes.

The Owner-Occupied rehabilitation program is a lottery that targets the City’s urban core. Homeowners inside the targeted neighborhoods complete a pre-application, and those selected are notified by mail. This program is CLOSED at this time.

Some of the program objectives are:

  1. To remove unhealthy or hazardous housing conditions in low- and moderate-income areas
  2. To revitalize and preserve the existing housing stock
  3. To preserve and increase the property values in low-and moderate-income neighborhoods
  4. To encourage employment and training opportunities for residents and minority persons through the opportunity to bid on housing rehab programs
  5. To create sustainable mixed-income neighborhoods in the urban core



Contractor Information

To help us meet the demand, the City of Decatur is seeking interest of construction contractors with an emphasis of renovate, repair, paint (RRP) Contractors. Minority, disadvantaged, and women-owned businesses are strongly encouraged to apply.

All contractors must be fully registered on sam.gov with an active unique entity identifier (UEI). All subcontractors must sign up with sam.gov and have an active UEI. More information regarding registration can be found at – https://sam.gov/content/home

The City has partnered with Land of Lincoln Credit Union to assist with financing for projects. Contractors that become pre-qualified or qualified may be approved for the Contractor’s Loan Fund. The Loan Fund will assist contractors with the necessary line of credit for materials.

If you are a contractor and have questions, please contact Jarek Shafer at 217-450-2346.